Sleep apnea is a disorder that can rob you of many peaceful nights. Not getting enough rest each night is not only annoying, it’s unhealthy too. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you need to get it under control. The following article is a compilation of tips that can help you do just that.
Get through sleep apnea by consulting with your practitioner about getting a CPAP machine. You need to be aware of the machine’s size, as well as how loud it is. Certain machines are actually smaller than your average bread box, and they whisper quietly. A medical professional will be the most knowledgeable guide to the different CPAP machines available.
You should know that getting a CPAP machine is not going to make your symptoms go away for good. These machines will help you sleep better and perhaps reduce your symptoms on the long term. Keep in mind that you really need to use your machine every night for this treatment to work.
If you tend to snore a lot and have difficulties staying asleep, you should go see your doctor right away. You might have a condition known as sleep apnea: find an effective treatment so you can get enough sleep and go through your daily activities without being held back by your health problem.
If you are using a CPAP and experience an issue with your mouth opening during sleep, a chin strap can help. The chin strap holds your chin so that you cannot sleep with your mouth open; it is a tiny piece of fabric. Your mouth needs to remain closed for CPAP therapy to be effective.
For people who smoke, the best way to correct a sleep apnea condition is to quit smoking. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of sleep apnea. When people stop smoking their risk of sleep apnea is reduced and they can get a full night sleep within days of quitting.
Mitigate the risk factors associated with sleep apnea. Certain risk factors are ones you can do nothing about it, like inheriting genetic traits or having been born a man. But many others can be easily avoided, like smoking and drinking.
An excellent way to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea is to prop up your head and body. If you can get your head at least 4 inches off of the mattress or elevate your torso from the waist up, you will reduce your symptoms. Try using a foam wedge or cervical pillow when sleeping to do this.
If you are searching for ways to prevent sleep apnea, try sleeping on your side as back sleeping lets gravity take over. This causes your tongue and other soft tissues in your throat to drop, which could obstruct your airway. Try putting a tennis ball in the neck of your pajamas to discourage rolling onto your back. You could even stuff a pillow with tennis balls and wedge that behind your back.
Try to slim down. Sleep apnea is exacerbated and sometimes even caused by obesity. Try losing enough weight to shift your BMI from obese to just overweight or even healthy. People who have lost weight have improved their sleep apnea symptoms, and some have even cured their sleep apnea completely.
Getting a sufficient amount of sleep every night (about 7 to 8 hours) helps to decrease sleep apnea episodes. It has been proven that sleep apnea is less likely to occur when the body is well rested and relaxed. Try to have a specific sleep schedule and stick to it each night.
There are different kinds of CPAP machines: CPAP refers to the machines that provide you with a continuous airflow while APAP machines adapt the air pressure to your needs. There are also Bilevel machines that provide a higher pressure when you breathe in and a lower when you breathe out. Try different machines and talk to your doctor to find out what is best.
All sleep apnea patients can benefit from information found through the AWAKE Foundation. AWAKE sponsors support groups across the country that are dedicated to educating and informing the public on issues and treatment options related to sleep apnea. These meetings frequently showcase new equipment and mask options for CPAP patients, as well as updates on new trends in treatment. With chapters in most regional areas, AWAKE serves as a very effective support service for patients and their families to get sound and reliable information to improve their health.
If you think you have sleep apnea, make an appointment with your doctor and ask for a sleep test. This type of test can help you figure out if you’re suffering from sleep apnea and the intensity of the condition. After this you’ll need to look at treatment options, even for a mild form of sleep apnea.
When you are always tired, your sleep apnea symptoms intensify. Establishing a regular sleep schedule can ease sleep apnea’s symptoms. Set a specific bedtime, and specific wake time, and try to adhere to them both. This will prevent the sleep apnea from escalating to anything worse like total insomnia.
Snoring and sleep apnea are two, totally different things. It’s important that you know the difference between the two so you can see your doctor if you think you have it. Signs of sleep apnea include extremely loud snoring, fatigue in the daytime, choking or gasping for air at nighttime and labored breathing.
If you use a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)device for your sleep apnea, make sure you know how to put it on correctly. Make sure the straps are tightened just right and make sure the device is sealing over your air passageways. The device’s fit is important to its operation.
As you can now see, there are ways that you can get your sleep apnea under control. Apply what you’ve just learned, and start getting the rest you need. You will not only be healthier, you’ll be happier too. Once you start getting adequate rest, you will be in control of your life.