Sleep apnea is a lot more common than one might think. Many people have this disorder, whether they know it or not. When it comes to dealing with sleep apnea there are some things that you can do to make living with it less of an inconvenience. Continue reading to learn a few things that can make your life with sleep apnea more enjoyable.
Giving up smoking and drinking can help to improve your sleep apnea. These habits can affect your airway, which makes sleep apnea and snoring more likely. Avoiding these temptations can put more money back in your pocket, and is a lot more cost effective than expensive surgeries that may no longer be necessary.
Consider elevating the head of your bed if you suffer from sleep apnea. As you sleep, gravity is constantly pulling on your muscles and causing your airway to close. If you elevate the head of your bed a bit, the slight incline makes it easier for your body to maintain your airway when you are sleeping.
If you have tried a number of less drastic sleep apnea treatment options, you might want to consider discussing surgical treatment options for the condition with your primary care physician. Sleep apnea treatment surgery often involves increasing the diameter of your airway in an effort to reduce the number of apnea episodes that you experience.
Sleeping at a high altitude can worsen your sleep apnea because of the lower levels of oxygen. If you are going to a place located higher than what you are used to, take a CPAP machine with you. The best thing to do would be to completely avoid high altitude.
If you think that you may have sleep apnea, set up a video of yourself as you sleep. Just be sure that the video recorder has sound capability. When you wake up, look at the video, and if it seems like something other than snoring is going on, it may be time to go to the doctor.
One way to prevent yourself from getting sleep apnea is to exercise your throat muscles and make them stronger. The labored breathing common in sleep apnea is usually caused when the soft tissues of the throat collapse and obstruct the airway. Stronger muscles mean a less likelihood of the the airways becoming blocked.
If you have sleep apnea, and you have to have a sleep study, considering taking your pillow from home with you. It can be very difficult to sleep in the sleep lab. You are in an unfamiliar place in a strange bed. You have lots of wires, and electrodes attached to you. Having your own pillow can help to relax you and make it easier to fall asleep.
New apnea patients who are being fitted for CPAP equipment should insist on trying out several mask options. It is customary for the DME providers (Durable Medical Equipment) to show up at your door with a CPAP machine and a basic mask. Truth be told, there are many different styles of masks, and finding the best style for you dramatically improves your compliance with the CPAP therapy. Take the upper hand and insist that they show you a variety of masks, even if you have to go into their showroom. Like so many health issues, knowledge is the key. You will get better service and far more relief by knowing your options and speaking your mind.
If you have sleep apnea and have been using your current CPAP machine for five years or more, see if it is time to get it replaced. CPAP technology is rapidly changing all the time. Many insurance policies allow for a new CPAP machine every five years. If yours does, consider upgrading to the newest CPAP so you can get the best treatment possible.
While you may not be obese or even very overweight, even a couple of extra pounds can cause sleep apnea. That means even if you have a little belly, you should work to get rid of it and see if that removes your sleeping problems. You will thank yourself for it afterwards.
If you are drowsy, listen to your body. If you are not getting enough sleep at night because of sleep apnea, you are more likely to feel drowsy during the day. This indicates that your treatments are not effective. So, when you are feeling drowsy on a regular basis, consider visiting your doctor to re-discuss your treatment options and your current apnea treatment plan.
All sleep apnea patients can benefit from information found through the AWAKE Foundation. AWAKE sponsors support groups across the country that are dedicated to educating and informing the public on issues and treatment options related to sleep apnea. These meetings frequently showcase new equipment and mask options for CPAP patients, as well as updates on new trends in treatment. With chapters in most regional areas, AWAKE serves as a very effective support service for patients and their families to get sound and reliable information to improve their health.
If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, talk to your doctor about undergoing a sleep study. During the course of the study, you will be hooked to monitors while you sleep. These monitors will tell doctors about the levels of oxygen in your blood, the states of sleep you enter, and whether or not your breathing is inhibited while you sleep.
If your physician prescribes a CPAP machine for treating your sleep apnea, ask for a heated humidifier and additional bacterial filters for your machine. The durable medical equipment supplier may not automatically provide these, but they will help to minimize bacterial growth and keep your nasal passages moist and comfortable.
As you can see, there are options when it comes to dealing with sleep apnea. This condition can have a negative impact on your life, but there are some things you can do yo make living with it a little easier. Use what you learned here and sleep better with sleep apnea.