Beauty is a lot more that just fixing your hair or swiping some makeup on your face. It is truly an art form. It has so many techniques and products that require a keen eye, precisions and a sharp attention to detail. Do you have what it takes? Regardless of your answer, here are some tips to help you.
Disposable mascara wands, which are often known by makeup artists as “spoolies”, are a cheap and effective tool for your makeup kit. These tiny brushes are useful to break up clumps in the lashes and brush off excess mascara without spoiling your makeup. In a pinch, they can also be used to groom your eyebrows. They should be disposed after each use.
Make your nail polish last longer. You can make your nails look like you just had a manicure and last longer by using a base coat, 2 coats of color and a top coat. This will provide your nails with a glossy look that will last for at least a few weeks.
To make small eyes appear larger, try lining your lower waterline with a white or peach colored eyeliner. By lightening the color of your waterline so it blends better with the white part of your eye, you can create the illusion that your eyes are larger and brighter than they really are.
Get your sleep to keep yourself looking beautiful. Do not underestimate the power of scarce sleep to age your face, and your body. You need from six to eight hours of sleep a night to rejuvenate your body, skin, and brain. All are important elements in your overall personal health.
You can make a homemade, alcohol-free mouthwash using peppermint oil and purified water. Just one small droplet of peppermint oil in an ounce of purified water is all you need. Boil water first, then put the oil drops into a ceramic or glass bowl or other container that is heat-resistant. Remember to add the boiling water. Use a clean cloth to cover the container while it cools. Empty into a container that has a tight fitting lid. Then, use your mouthwash whenever you need.
Here is a beauty tip! Warm your concealer before using it! Often when you put concealer on it can come off looking thick and caked. You have to know how to conceal your concealer. First warm it by rubbing it in circular motion on the back of your hand! Then use your finger to apply.
If your favorite color nail polish is getting empty and a bit tacky, add a few drops of nail polish remover to give it new life! You don’t have to throw away a half empty bottle of nail lacquer, just mix in a small amount of regular remover, shake well and your old polish will work like new again.
The simplest and absolute cheapest way to reduce morning eye puffiness is using wet cotton balls thatbyou have put in the refrigerator! Simply soak the cotton balls under a running faucet, or use bottled water if your tap contains a lot of chlorine, pop them in a plastic bag and store them in the fridge. Come morning when your eyes are half closed and puffy, those cold cotton balls will work instant magic!
A little beauty advice from leading makeup artists to look rested even when you aren’t is to avoid piling on the foundation. Try using a tinted moisturizer instead and then apply a beige eye pencil, this will counteract the redness around the eyes and leave you looking refreshed and ready for the day.
When trying to lose some weight, an excellent food to add to your diet is a pineapple. Bromelain is the magic component in this sweet and satisfying fruit. Bromelain encourages the digestion of starches and fats. It can therefore help increase metabolism.
A great way to accentuate the upper lash line and not create an overly spidery fringe is to apply a strip of the false lashes that are used for your lower lashes. Apply from corner to corner and because they are shorter than usual falsies, they will thicken the lash line and not cause excessive elongation.
By taking 10 minutes a week to care for your nails it will help your appearance greatly. This is especially true for men, who very often neglect their nails and cuticles. A little regular maintenance results in much-improved hands. At the very least, nails should be cleaned thoroughly; they should be moisturized; and the cuticles should be gently pushed back.
Use some eyedrops so your eyes are shiny and bright. This will help you look more fresh and lively, and whiter eyes also help to give a more youthful appearance. Keep some in your handbag or on your desk, and follow the instructions on the bottle.
Spray mist over your face after you have your makeup applied. It will set the makeup and keep it where it should be much longer. This is a great method to use when you have a long day ahead of you like if it is your wedding day or you have a night out after work planned.
To make your lipstick stay on longer, you need to remember to blot them. You should do this after every single layer you put on, not just when you are finished. This will give your lips a more beautiful and long-lasting color.
Don’t think you need to cut off your hair every time you’re bored with its style. Sometimes it’s easy to lack imagination when faced with hair that has outgrown its former style. One easy trick to try is to part it in different ways. You may be shocked how much you like it.
Now you see that beauty is a lot more than haphazardly applying products to yourself. It takes skill and an eye for pleasant aesthetics. You don’t want to look slovenly, so why not take some time to learn how to do it right? The above tips should have given you some pointers on how to do that.